Tune In Roll'em Albums

Join Our Community

OnA1A.com is the place to share your photos with your friends on the beach. Have fun in the sun. All you need is your phone and OnA1A.com's phone number. 386-210-7500. In 2024, the entirety of Highway A1A from Key West to the Georgia state line was designated the Jimmy Buffett Memorial Highway. OnA1A.com is built for the people that love the beach, by people that live on the beach.

Text A Photo

Our freinds take photos while they are having fun on the beach and them to us. We love to share photos. Take photos of people, places and pets. Photos can be a single frame snapshoots, short videos and reels that are less than 20 seconds in length. We made it easy for you to share photos.

  1. Take a photo with your phone.
  2. Attach the photo to a text message.
  3. Add a caption in the body that message.
  4. Dial: 1-386-210-7500
  5. Tap: SEND


Tell us a story about your photo in 140 characters of less. Write a caption. Captions can be include as the body of your text message along with your photo attachment.

Main Menu (NavBar)

Tune In

Tune into our broadcast channel. Freinds text photos an they appear on our broadcast, until the next photo comes in via text.


Check out what's happening on the beach. Tap Roll'em and see all the pictures texted to our network to be on the Internet broadcast. Pictures stay on the network for a year.


When you join our community you get a photo album. Photo albums are organized by telephone numbers. Photo albums that keep your photos, videos and reels support the picture formats used by both Android and iPhones.

Now; That friends's photos will be displayed in thier album.

Terms of Service

When you send us a picture that picture will be broadcast worldwide on the Internet. Until the pictures arrives at our network via an incoming SMS text alert as a Media Attachment. Pictures are organized and stored in albums by telephone line numbers. When you text us are giving us permission to broadcast your photo, video or reel to the public. We right reserve the right to blacklist any phone number and to remove any content that violates Our Ground Rules from the network. Content is removed from the network after a year.

Ground Rules

Our mission here On A1A is to keep the friendly vibe going on this platform. We are totally down with Digital Freedom and the First Amendment of The Constitution of the United States. The Ground Rules that are simple.

  1. Just be cool.
  2. Don't be an asshole.
  3. No Spamming.
  4. No Flaming.
  5. No Trolling.
  6. No felonious conduct.

Privacy Policy

Your privacy is always protected on the network. Telephone numbers are private and will always remain unlisted. We do not collect any personal information about those telephone numbers. When you send us pictures, you are giving us permission to broadcast those pictures to the public. All pictures are uploaded to us via text message alerts only. We operate OnA1A.com in compliance with the Telephone Consumer Protection Act 47 U.S.C. ยง 227 SEC. 227. [47 U.S.C. 227] RESTRICTIONS ON THE USE OF TELEPHONE EQUIPMENT. (Message and Data Rates may apply).


On A1A is brought to you by the people that love the beach in Florida.

Text: 321-704-5395